To continuously guide faculty assessment protocols monitor its varied utilized tools and select relevant evaluation strategies to improve the over-all examination standards so as to rank the faculty to a higher international recognition.

To select and conduct a justified reliable students assessment and analyze the yielded results. This is to be follow by submission of students and departments feedback and collaborate in staff support by continuously running staff orientation sessions. Furthermore to share in varied research targeted to the refinement of the assessment tools and methods so as to improve the faculty assessment standards and create a secure nationally and internationally recognized exam bank.

1-Enhance The Culture Of Continuous Development Of Measurement And Evolution Systems.

2-Activate Update And Follow-Up The Updating Of Question Bans In Light Of The Objectives And Criteria Set For The Undergraduate Curriculum.

3-Strengthen The Electronic Infrastructure To Support The Unit Activities.

4-Follow Up the Activation of the Student's Evaluation System Ethical Charter.

5-Support Training Of Faculty Staff Members In Light Of Their Training Needs.

6-Appliation and Follow-Up of Electronic Exams Electronic Correction of Exams and Analysis of Exams Results.

7- Apply Feedback Mechanisms To Take Corrective Action When Needed.

8-Encouraaging Research in Development of Assessment And Measurement Systems And Encouraging The Exchange Of Experiences In This Field.

27 Nov 2023
25 oct 2023
29 May 2023


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Administration Duties

1-Coordination of academic years:

First year: Prof. Dr. Manal Hamza
Second year: Dr. Tishreen Zeytoun
Third year: First semester: Professor Dr. Randa Abdel Rahman
Third year: the second semester and the fourth year, first semester, surgery courses
And internal diseases: Prof. Dr. Azza Hassan
Fourth year, second semester: Ed. Heba Al-Weshahi
Fifth year: Prof. Dr. Eman Imam

2- Coordinating the chart planning for the final results, Egyptian or international system: Prof. Dr. Randa Abdel Rahman

3- Statistical analysis of the results: Prof. Dr. Heba Al-Washahi and the accompanying team

4- Dealing with the university’s website and meeting quality requirements and the main center for measurement and evaluation at the university: Dr. Marwa Mady



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